The Wonder Years ~~ Chapter 5

June 15, 2002

Lois was enrolled in a psychology class that lasted from the fall 2001 semester until the summer 2002 semester. The purpose of the class was to explore how outer influences change a person. The studied social psychology, relationships, anger, prejudice and personality. She like it in fact because she liked it so much she was changing her major form business to psychology. Her final pater for the class was to write a paper defining the major changes in her and her roommate through out the last school year.

Lois was overwhelmed by the assignment since she had 5 other roommates. Where most of her classmates had only 1. But she decided the best thing to was first goover the journal they were supposed to keep for class.

June, 01, 2001

June first seems to be our moving day. We have been told the only way to remain roommates since we are co-ed is to move to a co-ed building. So we now live in Carlyle Courts #1306. There are boxes everywhere the only room unpacked is the kitchen. Since its a 3 bdr 2 1/2 bath, we are tyring to figure who gets what room. The only thing is each discussion turns into an argument which leads to 2 or more people storming out of the apartment.

Both Marcus and Micheal have offered to share the room with Cheyanna. Johnny and I have offered to share the room. Carly is mad because none of the guys want to share a room with her. And Chey could care less she wants to finish unpacking.

July 4, 2001

9 am

It took us two weeks to decide who shared what rooms, in the end it was me & Carly, Marcus & Johnny and Chey & Sonny. We drew names to decide. Marcus was upset that Chey and Sonny were sharing, so much so that they broke up. Chey said that if Marcus didnt' trust her, she didn't want to be with him anyway. She staryed in her room for 2 wks straight only coming out to go to class and grab something to eat. Everyone is miserable. I don't even think Marcus and Carly are going to Benshonhurst for the fourth. Chey and Sonnly left 3 days ago, and Johnny and I are leaving in about an hour.

11 pm

Marcus and Carly didn't show. My mom asked me all kinds of questions about Chey and Sonny's relationship. I couldn't answer because I honestly didnt' know. Those of who went had a blast ~~ there was food, music, dancing, fireworks and of course a water balloon fight. We are all so tired that we are going to spend the night. I wish Marcus and Carly had put aside thier differences with Sonny and Chey and shown up.

October 18, 2001

I am so proud of Marcus & Chey. They decided to join a fraternity and sorority this semester and both were accepted. We are going to Chey's favorite restaurant to celebrate ~~ 22 West Restaurant and Lounge. Sonny and Chey finally admitted that this is where they usually are when they aren't at home.

I was talking to Carly earlier, she's worried that this whole sorority thing is going to pull them further apart. I think its Carly's negative attitude toward chey thats pulling them further apart. She complains that she doens't understand how Micheal and Chey can spend the entire day looking at what she has termed "stupid flowers", she hates that Marcus, Johnny, Chey and I much rather go down to the Market instead of up to Park Ave with her and its beyond her comprehension why she spends so much time in Bensonhurst if she isn't dating Micheal. Not only is Carly pushing herself away from Chey, she's pushing herself away from everyone.

November 20, 2001

Right now we are on ap lane to Tempe, Arizona. Marcus's mom invited us to spend Thanksgiving with her and Gia(Marcus's little sister). I feel bad for Chey. She's extremly nervous about metting her ex's family, even though her and Marcus have gone back to bieng friends. I see that Chey is trying hard not to throw her and Sonny's relationship in Marcus's face, but sometimes its hard not to. Chey and Sonny have grown extremely close in the last few months.

November 29, 2001

Thanksgiving was a blast. Marcus's little sister is a doll. She showed Chey, Carly and I all around town. I don't think I've spent so much time eating as I did at Marcus's house. Gia asked Carly about her relationship with Marcus because they looked awfully close for just friends. Carly tried to convince her they wer just friends. I was sad to have to go but at the same time happy. Johnny and I's relationship is still going strong!! I think I'm falling in love.

December 15, 2001

Chey is coming home with Micheal and I for Christmas. Carly is going with Marcus and Johnny is going by himself. Chey and Carly rarely talk anymore. Sonny and I have started spending more time together. Carly spends more and more time with Marcus. And Chey and Johnny can usually be found in the library studying or at the park playing.

January 03. 2002

Everything is the same kind of!! Sonny is dating this girl from back home, Maritza. Marcus is dating a girl from Chey's sorority, Tatiyanna. Chey is dating a guy from Marcus's frat, Andre. Carly is dating some guy from our old dorm, Hesston. And Johnny and I are about to celebrate our 1 yr anniversary. Okay so maybe only Johnny and I are the same.

February 14, 2002

We didn't even try to celebrate Valentine's day together. I'm starting to think maybe I should move out at the end of the semester. There is sooo much tension and the polite stranger thing is getting old!! We aren't doing anything together for Spring Break. I don't think we like each other anymore! It makes me sad to think of us splititng but maybe its time! Maybe its impossible for 6 people to remain roommates for too long.

May 15, 2002

We still don't get along. Chey broke up with Andre and blamed Marcus. Johnny is worried that our relationship is getting stale. Sonny broke with Mariza saying she was too nosey and if he wanted to date someone nosey he'd date Carly. Marcus spend just about all of his time at his frat house. We are all just miserable!!

June 10, 2002

Right now I'm sitting in the apartment by my self. Chey actually went home with Marcus for the summer, but that's only because Gia asked her to. That and she doesn't want to go home. I'm going to San Antonio with Johnny just as soon as finish my paper. Sonny is staying at school to make up some classes. Carly is going home. None of us will be back until right before the fall semester starts. That's when we'll decide if we want to remain roommates. Who knows what will happen ~~ after this last year who would want to stay.

June 15, 2002

When Lois was finished reading tears streamed down her face. She couldn't believe that in one year people could go from bieng friends to strangers. What had happened to them?? she wondered. Then all of the sudden her paper came to her. She wrote all about how good intentions and miscommunication drove 6 friends to turn into enemies. She titled it Too Good to Last.

She heard Johnny calling her name, it was time to go. They went and dropped her paper off and headed for the airport.

Once they were settled into thier seats on the plane and Johnny's had was in hers she wondered what the next year would bring and if it really was too good to last.

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